Q: Why do you make art?
A: I make art because it’s fun and soothing to my soul. I also like to challenge myself to see if I can really create what’s dancing around in my head.
Q: Why are you an artist?
A: I didn’t choose to be an artist – the profession chose me! Believe me, if I were skilled in other areas, I would have been an engineer or computer analyst or something that made more money. I am an artist because… well, I just am! Why am I 5’1-3/4”? Why are my eyes baby-poop brown instead of cool Caribbean blue? Why am I weird? I don’t know! Ask my Maker.
Q: How do you express yourself?
A: With pretty much any medium I can. Through the arts: musically and visually, mainly. Writing is fun. Ever since I was a kid, people have told me that they can read my face like a book - I'm very expresive which makes me a piss poor liar.
Q: Why should I buy your art? What will I gain from it?
A: Well, considering my life goal is to illuminate, resonate, and inspire the beauty of truth and divine love through art... I'd hope that whether a person buys something musical or visual from me that they have been touched with just that. That I've somehow made their lives a little better and a little more connected. That is my wish for you.
How to dry hump a person ?
Make it first. You can not just jump on the girl and start to dry. As for
sex, girls are different from boys. While most individuals can barely walk
up a...