Q and A

Q: Why do you make art?
A: I make art because it’s fun and soothing to my soul. I also like to challenge myself to see if I can really create what’s dancing around in my head.

Q: Why are you an artist?
A: I didn’t choose to be an artist – the profession chose me! Believe me, if I were skilled in other areas, I would have been an engineer or computer analyst or something that made more money. I am an artist because… well, I just am! Why am I 5’1-3/4”? Why are my eyes baby-poop brown instead of cool Caribbean blue? Why am I weird? I don’t know! Ask my Maker.

Q: How do you express yourself?
A: With pretty much any medium I can. Through the arts: musically and visually, mainly. Writing is fun. Ever since I was a kid, people have told me that they can read my face like a book - I'm very expresive which makes me a piss poor liar.

Q: Why should I buy your art? What will I gain from it?
A: Well, considering my life goal is to illuminate, resonate, and inspire the beauty of truth and divine love through art... I'd hope that whether a person buys something musical or visual from me that they have been touched with just that. That I've somehow made their lives a little better and a little more connected. That is my wish for you.